Monday, March 29, 2010

The Cottage

Cottage (kot-ij) - noun

A place where friends and strangers alike can post about anything.
Each post may be something new, each post may be a response to the last. Whatever you have to say, say it!


  1. Dude that site is unbelievable!! Check this out

  2. Both worthy contributions. And at risk of breaking what could be an amazing string of hyperlinks, i interject this remark.

    This is my first ever posting upon the face of this great website. I hope that it will leave an impact, as the blogs have left on me. Though without anything of value to say... how could that be?

  3. Speaking of html code, I prefer links that open a new tab if navigating away from BOTM. It says how to do it on that page hamish posted.

    I love this new kotij section but I'm a little peeved that Albery posted in it before me...

  4. Yeah I tried the target ="_blank" code but it didn't work.. Grace the kotij with ur internet knowhow master

  5. My first post didn't go through it seems... I'm a founder of this site and it gives me no respect, no respect.

  6. "When you are deluded and full of doubt, even a thousand books of scripture are not enough. When you have realized understanding, even one word is too much." - Fen Yang

  7. I posted a little video in the Censorship blog. The man speaks the truth.

  8. Damn, why won't that New Window html code work!
    Eden, help!!

  9. Have you guys heard of the game 'RapeLay' - check it out here.

    "In the game players earn points for acts of sexual violence, including following girls on commuter trains, raping virgins and their mothers, and then forcing them to have abortions."

  10. Skeleton head Dean sues me after wasps eat his face.

  11. The ultrahero - Flamish

  12. Oooohhh first to post on the cottidge as BOTM shkliself...or shklerself?

  13. me and eden watched Petey Gteene, that guy is amazing

  14. Haha man Petey Greene is the best. Thank you Albery.

    This is honestly one of the best things I've read on ED - Kevin Rudd

    It's actually not even a joke.

  15. Hamish you shouldnt make fun of our prime minister like that

  16. Also excuse my lateness for posting on the new AOTW, I got no download left so I still gotta wait a few days to hear it

  17. Ruddkipz. Thats heaps lulzy.

    I just met a guy at work (someone who I've spoken with over the phone many times), he told me he was a yoga teacher. He said that if knew what he knew now when he was a 15 year old, he would never have gone out to night clubs getting drunk etc, he would have just done yoga - thats where the pussy is. I told him I had a few mates doing it. He advised that you keep it up, the pussy will cum.

  18. "I just met a guy at work (someone who I've spoken with over the phone many times), he told me he was a yoga teacher. He said that if knew what he knew now when he was a 15 year old, he would never have gone out to night clubs getting drunk etc, he would have just done yoga -"

    haha i got to that point and thought he was gonna go on about the spiritual benefits of yoga and the evils of alcohol.

  19. he was going to clubs when he was 15?

  20. haha same thing Eden said, i wasn't expecting him to be such a rock star.

  21. hahaha i actually laughed out loud for that one Helly.

    Want know a fun fact everybody? For the first two years of my life on the internets i thought lol meant lots of laughs and now i can't get that out of my head. 10 years later my inner voice still says "lots of lau- ahem laugh out loud" That's right, my inner voice has to clear its inner throat when correcting itself

  22. <a href = ">link</a>

  23. Father of trolling, doing it for the lulz... haha that article is wonderful. Lee needs to read that.

  24. that's awesome! I want to play the balloon bass

    On the topic of youtube musik, check this guy out:

    Ukulele wheeps

  25. "Reality is all-encompassing: the absolute nature is one. Although we may feel separate from the original uncreated reality - whether we call it 'God,' 'peak experience,' or 'enlightened mind' - through awareness we can contact this essential part of ourselves."
    - Tarthang Tulku

  26. The Digital Economy Bill - UK

    Uh oh... not good. I suspect this is where we're heading...

  27. Man I wish governments would fuck off and that the music industry just accept that its over, they lose.

  28. The current way of selling music is becoming obsolete. They can fight it all they want, but millions upon millions of downloaded songs every single day says something (a whole bunch of things actually).

  29. Music will always exist but the simplicity of distribution and increasing efficiency in production means that the dodgy middle men are losing their cut of the profits

  30. Standing Cat

    Zomg that music is hilarious... suits perfectly.

  31. APOCALYPSE|Hungry Beast

    1 Nuclear bomb = the power of every single bomb dropped in WW2 combined (minus the 2 at the end).

  32. I'm not sure which of those last two videos scares me more... the end of the world or a standing french cat

  33. That nuclear bomb thing is crazy...28000 bombs? how is that necessary?

    The cat is awesome and i just watched the ukelele thing a few days ago Russ. Was awesome, That's a Beatles cover I can truly enjoy

  34. Oh Russ I missed that video of ukulele weeps. It sounds so... "sweet" on the uke. Lovely.

  35. that nuclear war video is very eye opening, i didn't know that there were that many warheads. Standing Cat is my favourite recent video though.

  36. I've actually heard those last 2 before Lee. Fuck the last one is funny... that old lady has the funniest voice ever.

    Video explains the world's most important 6-sec drum loop

  37. Check out these photos from the Iceland Volcano, pretty awesome:


  38. Check out the time/date they posted that. Haha

    <a href=">Scientists mine YouTube to study effects of Salvia divinorum</a>

    Those photos are amazing!

  39. so, when are we ordering this?

  40. ha ha it just comes out of nowhere! And the old lady with him looked genuinely scared!

  41. Hey guys I was talking about the mighty boosh the other day, if you haven't seen it check out this clip of 'the moon'-

    They do a lot of songs, here's an example-

  42. I bought the first season to the mighty boosh about two months ago, but was waiting to finish up with the wire before i started watching it - looks like some laughs are ahead

  43. hah thanks man, I actually just started getting into online bass lessons. Still working on simple scales at the moment. Maybe funk will be further down the track


  45. "Hatred does not cease through hatred at any time. Hatred ceases through love. This is an unalterable law."
    - Buddha

  46. Hahaha lulz:

    After Johnny begins to distrust Lisa, he hooks up a cassette recorder to a telephone. Several days later he retrieves a cassette tape, only to have had it record the very last phone call between Lisa and Mark (though, when played back, the cassette tape is not actually moving while the sound plays and new dialogue is added to the recorded conversation when played back). Wiseau explained in an interview with LaIst: "You can buy a recorder that records 24/7, and the tape can rewind by itself."

  47. I also gotta say that I'm reading Watchmen (just finished chapter IV) and it's blowing my mind

  48. You own a bike? Let's ride one day.

    Hey, i'm getting red dead redemption tomorrow, can't wait. Let's play.

  49. I don't think my first post went through, so...

    WoW must be addictive.

  50. LuLz! I can almost imagine that pain.

    That comment took ages to show up.

  51. lulz... srsly lulz.
    Check this out:

    Joseph Ducreux / Archaic Rap

    These are the best. Amazing meme.

  52. haha they should really give up, i mean the internet is so rapid at evolving while the music companies are using slow beaurocratic court systems and weak technological government stuff to prevent downloading...something tells me that people will be downloading forever

  53. For all the FIFA fans

    My advice is to watch the video without audio


    ZOMG, first Street Fighter and now this!

  55. Lee Sullivan - Founder and Chief Instructor of BOTMJune 11, 2010 at 3:02 PM

    When he says 'inject', i pee my pants just a little. Like Dr Evil but better, funnier and more original.

  56. It gets funnier every time I see it. I see new things each time... brilliant.

    Oh... RIP Pep Pep

  57. That MK thing looks cool

    That wrestling vid is funny...the story of wrestling to me is pretty intriguing i kinda wanna know the history behind that video now, if only it didn't have all those gay little fights

  58. Lee Sullivan - Founder and Chief Instructor of BOTMJune 17, 2010 at 9:44 PM

    i was just thinking about wikipedia and how there is an article on everything. It's pretty funny. For example, the remote control must have a wikipedia article and it's probably pretty big. Someone (more than one) is out there that is passionate about remote controls. rofl

  59. Save it for the open mic nights chief

  60. check this out. The one on the left is awesome

    Monkey society

  61. That monkey site was cool man. Oh by the way, I'm gonna beat yo ass in FIFA this week, I'm in a purple patch of form.

    When y'all have time, check out this:

    Cognitive Neuroscience of Mindfulness Meditation

  62. "Drink up, have fun. There is no death. Don't suffer. Don't feel guilty. God loves you, no matter what you do. You are the perfect holy child of god, and as my friend Jimmy Pineapple would say, case... fucking... closed." - Bill Hicks

  63. haha the Russell tie in makes it even funnier

  64. i-doser

    I apparently you get 'high' by listening to specially created 'music' (called binaural beats) in total darkness. Supposed to be awesome... I'm gonna give it a go soon.

  65. cool astrophotography

    We should have an i doser listening party next

  66. who's coming on as BOTM?? Reveal yourself!

    I bought i-doser.

    Meteor Showers

  67. This one looks like its giving the finger:


  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. 'use to reduce abuse' - was recently read by the me while surfing on a website. It was in a wikipedia article so it's just shitty writing from a shitty civilian. It's kinda funny when you say it a few times no?

  70. Hey guys there's this section of BOTM that I really enjoy, it's called Album of the Week...

  71. I'll post one if no one else will.

    Check this out for some lulz: Best Cry Evaarrr

  72. haha that was awesome, "just got the giggles"

  73. That's awesome. Rap at its most commercial is probably the dumbest genre of all

    Stumble Upon when it's good

  74. Hamish - it's funny to think that Jesse Ventura became Governor of Minnesota haha. Americans love electing strongmen into office.

    Eadz - that picture is crazy. I love the cosmos.


  76. "They don't call it the Amazing Race for nothing" lol

  77. Both of those last two videos you posted eden go for 1;11. (8 0
